Featured Camp of the Day: Discovery and Adventure with the Colorado Mountain Club’s Youth Education Program
Join us as we explore Colorado through hiking and rock climbing. This introductory course is designed for the adventurer who wants to learn how to travel safely in the outdoors, and explore the role we play as stewards of our natural areas. Daily hiking and rock climbing field trips stre…ngthen observation skills while participants practice basic survival and navigation needed for travel in the mountains. Participants learn how to plan and prepare for traveling in the outdoors, participate in Leave No Trace activities, build shelters, tour the American Mountaineering Museum and more! Five day format includes hiking and indoor and outdoor climbing.
Offered: June 23-27 and June 30-July 3 Entering grades 4-6 Register today at www.coloradoacademysummer.org
Featured Denver Summer Camp of the Day: Discovery and Adventure
April 11, 2014 /
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